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If you are a parent of (or are responsible for) a child aged between 5 & 18 who is registered at school, this information explains your responsibilities for making sure he/she attends school regularly.

Why must my child attend school regularly?

  • It gives your child the best possible start in life.
  • They will be able to keep up with their learning.
  • They will have better employment prospects.
  • They will be at less risk of becoming victims of crime.
  • They will be less likely to become involved in anti-social behaviour.
  • It is the law.

Why is it important for my child to be punctual?

  • Persistent lateness can be legally counted as unauthorised absence, which can………
  • Cause disruption to the rest of the class.
  • Cause embarrassment to the child.
  • Make it harder for the child to settle as they may have missed vital instructions.
  • Being 15 minutes late each day during an entire school year is the same as missing two whole weeks off school.

Being on time:

  • Shows a pupil is ready and willing to work.
  • Helps to develop a sense of responsibility.
  • Forms good habits.

Your child’s school attendance is something that is often mentioned, but doesn’t come with much explanation of the impact it has upon your child’s education.

Regular and punctual attendance at school is both a legal requirement and essential for pupils to maximise their educational opportunities.  The Local Authority and schools have an expectation of at least 96% attendance for all pupils.

Attendance is closely linked to your child’s progress.

What does 90% look like?









































90% attendance is the equivalent of being absent from school half a day EVERY WEEK!

90% equals FOUR WHOLE WEEKS of missed lessons over the year!

90% every year at school means they will miss a total of 24 weeks - over HALF A YEAR LOST!

What if I am concerned about my child’s attendance?

If you are concerned about your child’s attendance then you can arrange an appointment with the Head of School, Mr Krafft, who is also on the gate every morning. 

You can also speak to Mrs Eakins, our Family Liaison Officer, and Mrs Wright, our secretary via the school office on 01795 842300

Alternatively you can contact the school’s link School Liaison Officer from the Local Authority on 03000 418860 who will be happy to help.


It is the parents/carers responsibility to ensure that your child goes to school regularly and arrives on time.

If your child is ill, contact the school on the first day of your child’s illness and any subsequent days, if this is not received it will be recorded as unauthorised.  Staff will notify the emergency services should we be unable to contact you regarding absence.

Not all ailments require a day off

Most children can still attend school even if they have a runny nose, sore throat or tummy ache, just like we have to when we go to work.